About us

Raginiben Bipinchandra Sevakarya Trust – Ahmedabad is a Non Governmental Organization established under the Public Trust Act, 16 May 2013 Organization mainly aims in benefiting underprivileged children and their families through various projects on healthcare, education, nutrition, livelihood, women empowerment, Youth Development, Rural development, Community Awareness, Children education, health, child development, community development, social research etc. Over the years, Raginiben Bipinchandra Sevakarya Trust  has conducted plethora of projects which not only includes grass-root level projects.
Our Vision
Our Vision

We envisage a communally aware society for indigent masses based on equal opportunities and fulfillment of human potential & other etc.

Our Mission
Our Mission

To provide a stage for socially conscious youth, wishing to contribute to the nation’s comprehensive progress, and to mold them into future leaders.


Your donation will fuel a movement of leaders into the action required to reach our goal for all activities. Contribute and join the movement to fight Raginiben Bipinchandra Sevakarya Trust.

Raginiben Trust in Ahmedabad

Why Choose us ?

Trust by Thousands People Worldwide

We are a local organization with 10 Years of experience serving our board of trustees and professional staff have broad knowledge of community issues and needs. The impact of your gift will be magnified as we pool donations and grants.